Thursday, November 1

It's November!

Happy November! I love this month. It means the holidays are coming and, for me, everything about this season is sweet and special. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. No, it is my one and only favorite! We used to spend every year at my Aunt Paula and Uncle Ron's house and everybody was there. The house was full and the kitchen was constantly producing delicious food and mouth watering aromas! 

Aside from all the family tradition, Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful! This month, at the end of each post, I'll leave a list of what I'm grateful for. I've been trying to be more intentional about being thankful and acknowledging my blessings. It helps a lot on those days I'm a little overwhelmed or feeling claustrophobic. 

Today I'm thankful 
Because I was able to do two loads of laundry (in one day!)
That Camillo didn't have class until 10:30 = family morning!
For a baby that needs structure as much as his mama does. 

Wanna join me? In the comments below, tell us what you have to be thankful for today! 


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