Thursday, September 1

Sweet September

Can you believe it?
It's already here.
September that is.

Guess what I got today?
A job.
I'm really excited - do you wanna here about it?

Over the summer we've been blessed with enough photography gigs that I haven't needed to look for another job.
It's been so great and I've loved every minute of it!
With wedding season coming to an end, Camillo and I have been praying about what my next move should be.
I made a list of things I really wanted out of a job and waited for Jesus to tell me what to do.

Here's my list:
20-30 hours/wk
Set schedule
Early morning shift
Good pay
Fun environment
Customer service oriented but preferably not retail
In Ballard
One day off a week (including from my internship)

I thought this list might come in a variety of different jobs..maybe salon receptionist, barista, front desk at a gym.
I wasn't sure but I was keeping my eyes open.
So, I thought I would submit my resume to LA Fitness, the gym we work out at.
A week later I got a call from the gym in north Seattle, about 20 minutes from our place.
It was pretty exciting to get the call but I felt a little apprehensive about interviewing at a location so far away, when there is one right next to us.
Regardless, I scheduled an interview even if only to find out more about the job opportunity.

When I prayed about the job, I told God what I wanted and reminded Him of my list.
I know He's got the best plan for me, so I left it up to Him and went to my interview.
Turns out, Ballard IS  hiring!
And the lady I met with today is the assistant manager that is doing the hiring for Ballard while their manager is away!
I guess I did okay at the interview because 10 minutes after I got home, I was offered the job..

I've got a set schedule, 5 days a week, 7-11am.
That means I get 20 hours, and every Saturday off of both my work and internship.
It will only be minimum wage to start but I can earn commission AND I get a free gym membership.
It seems like a really fun place to work with lots of interaction without having to beg people to buy stuff.
It's 1.1 miles from our house and RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from church - where I intern!!

I'm kind of jumping up and down screaming right now.
Well, in my head at least.
I am sooo excited and so thankful, I don't know how else to say it!

God's timing is perfect - 100% guaranteed - every time!
When you feel like things are getting a little out of your control, or you're not sure what to do next, remember He's taking care of every little thing.
Don't be afraid to tell Him exactly what you're thinking, exactly what you want.
He'll finish the good things He's started in your life.
Peace and hope start with a little prayer - you just gotta speak up a little.



  1. So happy for you Joy! Congratulations!!

  2. congrats! that is really exciting. I think it would be super fun to work at a gym :)


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