Friday, August 30

I'm In The Woods

Well, compared to the busy city I live in, my small hometown feels like I'm in the middle of nowhere. And it's glorious. As I'm writing, I can hear the rain falling, birds chattering, and a train off in the distance. But no traffic. No neighbors, no sirens. Just the woods. It's Thursday and my time away on this mini vacay is coming to an end. It's been so peaceful and relaxing. How wonderful to be able to step outside the back door and be greeted by grass!! And a garden! These few days out of the big city were just what I needed to regroup. It's amazing what a little more space and a little less concrete can do for your soul. Ollie and I have had a really great week and now we're excited to drive home to see Daddy!! By the time you read this, it will be Friday and we'll be back to our cozy home, all together again. That sounds pretty wonderful, too. Happy weekend, friends!

Where's your getaway? 



  1. I'm living in the city and I have to say, sometimes I miss the suburbs where I grew up and my uncle's house in the mountains. Like you said, sometimes it's nice just to hear the woods. Nothing more.

    1. Hi Gwyneth! Oh man, a house in the mountains sounds just amazing! Do you ever get to visit your uncle? I've spent a lot of time in Portland - what a great city! Have you ever visited Seattle? Thanks for reading :) xox


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